Sieben + Slow Knife + Dead Chamber Music

SIEBEN (Sheffield UK)Alternative / lyrical / industrial-tinged electro-pop “A true force of nature by an undisputed champion, who reinvented the violin lexicon”
Aldo Chimenti, Rockerilla Magazine, IT “Ultra-dark blends of punk, folk and electropop”
Sounds Of Life, UK “A Sieben show is like a one-man whirlwind with a violin” 
Sonic Seducer, DE SLOW KNIFE (Manchester UK)Experimental / twisted pop / spoken word infused “Exactly what’s needed to reinvigorate the lust for something sonically ferocious and lyrically frenzied. Gorgeous. Bizarre” – Lydia Lunch “A vibrant and atmospheric melting pot of post-punk, noirish jazz, outright noise, post-rock, goth, no wave, and virtually everything inbetween” […]

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March 20